Tuesday, May 25, 2010


So, judging by the way this blog is going, I think trying to force myself to write a poem every day is more counterproductive than productive. :/ Because most of these are just bullshit now. T-T

So, I think I should revoke my resolution. :/ I'm such a bad person.

But I'll just post when I actually get the inspiration to write a non half-assed poem.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

make up

to atone,
i need toner.
to repent,
i have spent
quite a lot
on this make up -
i've made an appointment
to put ointment
on this itch
of a bitch fight.
it's quite a terrible sight,
and i know what to do.
to make it less ugly,
we need some make up on you.
so let's make up, okay?


i missed it TWICE. for the first time! i'm getting worse at this. i guess resolution broken. X_X this is super tiring.

a shoe and a purse
and door and a nurse
i'm quite getting worse
been lapped by the first.

Friday, May 21, 2010


i missed it again. this time, i was playing LoL. ]:

clock strikes 12
and just like cinderella
i notice a bit too late
a minute too long a wait
and so i rush
and rush
and rush

well, similarly,
at least i know i'll also get
a happily ever after, right?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


shutter lens
the clicking sends
shudders up my spine
with this photo
your captured moment
forever will be mine

Monday, May 17, 2010


looks at those gorgeous eyes
those luscious lips
of eyebrow lifts
and collagen
that make the men
so shy and shifty
ain't it nifty?
it's quite for me,
oh plastic surgery.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


so i arrived at cynthia's house
and they took pictures
then in front of the limo
they took pictures
and inside the limo
they took pictures
and out of the limo
they took pictures
and inside the millenium biltmore
they took pictures
and waiting in line
they took pictures
and inside the room
they took pictures
and finding our seats
they took pictures
and sitting at the table
they took pictures
and wandering around
they took pictures
and in line for food
they took pictures
and eating
they took pictures
and in line to take pictures
they took pictures
and on the dance floor
they took pictures
and off the dance floor
they took pictures
then on the way home
they took pictures

then at home
i took a picture or two
but i deleted them.

i wish i were more photogenic.

olive juice

looks quite sweet
but tastes quite bitter
once you drink
i think

Friday, May 14, 2010


i don't mind it when i do it
but when you do it, it's not nice
when i do it, it's out of kindness
when you do, it's quite full of vice

so leave me to the cheating, dear
your only job is to stay true to me
and if you ever see me with another guy
i advise you leave us be

Thursday, May 13, 2010


i'm thirsty for your breathe
i'm hungry for your lips
just a small, small bite
just a small, small sip
and i swear that it'll be quenched
i promise i'll be full
and i'll stop it right there
i won't lose my cool

i'd like to get this point across:
he never saw my fingers crossed.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

out of nowhere

out of nowhere -
there it goes!
pinkish diamonds
shine your rose.
plastic cutlery
shows i'm sharp
enough to skin
and slice the carp.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


is annoying

so maybe it'll change
for the better?

Monday, May 10, 2010

hold on to your hat

before it flies away
like you flew from me
because though it doesn't seem too special
you're going to miss it sorely
when days are especially sunny.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


many oh's
combined with gasps
of realization
that's been unmasked

Saturday, May 8, 2010

not for the hair

a coarse ribbon
flutters gray
without a jib
for it to say
once so smooth
and full of luster
now barely baby's
strength to muster

the sides are frayed
who knew it'd fade?
the once like-sun
loved ribbon?

Friday, May 7, 2010


I've felt this once before -
Where simply breathing was a chore;
Where I couldn't figure what to do,
And couldn't find words to say what I thought;
Where whenever I laid eyes upon you,
It felt as if my heart would stop -
But it keeps beating, beating, beating,
And just your smile's eating, eating, eating
My soul out.

Without a doubt,
I've felt this once back then -
Why must you make me feel again?


hmm. i'm getting extremely sloppy with this. :/ thanks, allie~

an itch
a crazy itch
and insane itch
such a tempting itch
but if you succumb
to the temptation
you'll never stop scratching.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

hot water

it hurts
and burns.
then there are the chills.
withstanding the pain
takes a strong will -
i lack that which
i yearn;
and so i burst.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

bread and water

i need bread
and water
and you to live.
i need to eat
and drink
and love to live.
without the three,
i would be dead.
i need bread
and water
and you -
but mostly bread.


not again!
filled with emotion
but mostly rage
my fingers slap
the keys in frustration
my head bangs against
the squares in anger
my head stays still on the surface
fallen asleep

Sunday, May 2, 2010

soda stars

sparkling cider
twinkling bubbly
fizzes me up
and carbonates me

Saturday, May 1, 2010


I swing large!
The pitch is too fast for my eye;
I miss completely.

I swing wide!
The pitch slides at my bat;
But at least I could see.

I sacrifice bunt;
You make the base;
I'm out right away -
I'll be waiting for you at home.