Monday, February 15, 2010


Garments twisting -
Gasping, turning;
Acid insisting -
Lurching, burning.

Only a taste.
Simply a lick -
A flick; an embrace
Of more than just arms.

Inhalation of scents;
Aromas of heat;
Slightly sticky,
Stickily sweet.
Sensations basked light,
Crevice unhallowed,
Begins with a bite;
Ends with a swallow.


  1. picking
    an apple from a

    embraced in its branchy-arms
    and then
    biting the apple
    and eating it!!

  2. Retched sent.
    Putrid flesh.
    What an offensive presence you have.

    Most would disagree.
    Indulgence in your image,
    What a sin it is.

    What a fool I am
    To crave such a tactless figure
    Well versed in the pleasantries of man.

    A sip of you.
    A sip of madness.

    "Too much" I tell you.
    "Not enough" you speak.

    Another taste of sin I take.
    Rotting flesh moves beneath me
    Engaging in my sin.

    How far have I fallen down the rabbit hole?
    It doesn't Matter.
    I longer care.

  3. ^funnily enough, that reminds me of that one wow artifact book thing about the zombie and banshee and how the few last pages stick together right before they're about to get it on. :/
