Thursday, April 15, 2010

one hour

one more hour to go
just one more hour before i fly
this one last hour i can't take back
this one last hour can't go awry
just this hour will decide so much
these 60 minutes of significance
the 360 seconds that will determine
mood, career, friendship, romance -

but it'll all be fine, so long
as this one last hour does not go wrong.

and if it does?
if it backfires on me?
if it's something i cannot fix?
if it's a consequence that'll forever stay?

then i'll use the next hour
to run away.

1 comment:

  1. So much time to blow...
    Seconds to spare,
    A breath waste,
    A heart beat-

    And that's what life is:
    A hyphen;
    a series of oblivious thoughts
    That meet an abrupt end.

    Living a life with thought,
    If living only with the thought of running away,
    Is something to do commend.
